Identifikasi Kelimpahan dan Karakteristik Mikroplastik pada Sungai Batanghari Wilayah Intake Sijenjang Perumda Tirta Mayang Kota Jambi

Siti Umi Kalsum, Anggrika Riyanti, Wibisono Daryanto


The Batanghari River as a source of raw water for Perumda Tirta Mayang, Jambi City, in the last few decades has experienced a decline in water quality due to land conversion and human activities. A lot of rubbish is found in rivers dominated by plastic waste which will fragment into microplastics with a size of <5 mm. Microplastics will affect the process of processing raw water into clean water at Perumda. This research aims to identify and assess the polymer risk index and microplastic pollution index in the Batanghari River in the Sijenjang Intake area. The tool used is Planktonet mesh 150 with a diameter of 20 cm. The research results showed that the sizes of microplastics found ranged from 2-5 mm, 1-2 mm, 0.5-1 mm, 0.1-0.5 mm and <0.1 mm. The microplastic colors were transparent, blue, white, black, clear, green, and brown. The types of microplastics found were fibers, filaments, fragments, and pellets. The abundance of microplastics ranges from 100 – 150 particles/liter. The polymer risk index (PRI) value is between 25.6 and 32.74 in the medium category, while the microplastic pollution index (PLI) value is between 44.72 and 54.77 in the very high category.


Batanghari RIver, Microplastic, PRI,PLI

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